The Energy Institute has two of its Registers of energy professionals approved as meeting the required standards to act as ESOS Lead Assessors. These are the Register of Professional Energy Consultants (RPEC) and the register of Chartered Energy Managers. With phase II of ESOS about to begin, and, the requirement for 5 CPD hours to be completed annually to remain accredited BSSEC has supported the EI with the development of an Online Lead Assessor CPD training package.

This training package is aimed at lead assessors looking to gain CPD hours in legislation and standards updates along with keeping up to date with technology advances such as experienced with LED lighting, high efficiency motors and latest controls capabilities. The course is designed to prepare lead assessors for Phase II of the ESOS roll out. It will also be useful to internal auditors undertaking ESOS audits.

The ESOS Lead Assessor CPD training package consists of the following 5 x 1 hour online modules:

  • Module 1: ESOS Legislation and Standards Update
  • Module 2: Energy Saving – Controls and Energy Efficiency
  • Module 3: Energy Saving – Lighting
  • Module 4: Energy Saving – Motors and Drives
  • Module 5: Managing Health & Safety for ESOS Assessors


To learn more about the ESOS CPD training package, visit or email

This article was written by

Paul Bennett
Executive Chairman

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