Client - University of Reading

BSSEC provided a gap assessment of the progress of the University of Reading’s energy management practices to the requirements of the international energy management standard ISO50001.
Client Requirements
The University of Reading commissioned BSSEC to advise how their current energy management systems and practices ‘fit’ to the requirements of the International Energy Management System to ISO50001.
ISO50001 includes compliance to the main areas of; general requirements, management responsibility, energy policy, energy planning, implementation and operation, checking and management review.
BSSEC has developed a gap assessment tool which was used to compare and contrast the current energy management regimes to the requirements of the full standard. This tool maps progress against the requirements for:
- General (3 key areas)
- Management Responsibility (18 key areas)
- Energy Policy (8 key areas)
- Energy Planning (36 key areas)
- Checking (30 key areas)
- Management Review (18 key areas)
Firstly we requested documented evidence in terms of energy management policy, procedures and energy data footprint including data analysis and associated documentation made to date.
We then attended site at the main University Campus, met with the energy manager and other key staff to understand practices on site. We visited the campuses many buildings to view technology and behaviours within buildings.
Following the data gathering and site visit we entered the practices of the University into the BSSEC gap assessment tool and established areas of compliance and gaps.
The University was found to be in overall terms 50% compliant to the requirement of the international energy management standard.
We discussed the findings with the University, provided a gap assessment report and provided advice on the prioritised next steps to take should the University chose to become accredited to ISO50001. The main areas to target were:
- Energy planning
- Energy policy improvements
- Implementation and operation procedures
- Checking procedures
- Management review procedures
Subsequently the University implemented improvements, achieved accreditation and now hold ISO50001.
“The University has become one of just a handful of universities in the UK to achieve certification to the international ISO50001 Energy Management standard. The standard sets strict guidelines for how energy consumption is managed throughout the University’s operations; providing a framework to ensure energy is effectively managed for the long term. The certification covers Whiteknights, London Road and Henley Business School Greenlands campuses. It is important that all staff, students and suppliers adhere to the Energy Management System so we can ensure we manage our energy impacts effectively. This will reduce our environmental impact as a University and will ensure carbon emissions and energy spend are kept to a minimum.”